Rules and Regulations


  • Admission will be as per rules and regulations of the university of Sargodha and Pharmacy council of Pakistan
  • Admission fee and tuition fee is non-refundable
  • 80% Attendance is mandatory for the students.
  • Besides, being regular in internal exams, obtaining good marks are also required otherwise FIHS has right to withheld or cancel the admission.


  • Uttering, doing or propagating anything  contravening to  the Islamic principles within and outside the premises of the institute.
  • Saying or doing anything which is averse to the ideology of Pakistan or against the institute and teachers.
  • Smoking in the institute premises and the examination hall.
  • Association with an organization/society/club /or any other body, promoting caste distinction and inciting parochial /linguistic/regional feelings.
  • Organize or hold any function within the premises of the institute except in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations
  • Collect money or receive donations or pecuniary assistance for or on the behalf of the institution or any other organization except with the written permission of the competent authority
  • Indulge in immoral activities, use indecent language, wear immodest dress, make indecent remarks, joke or gestures or behave in an improper manner.
  • Stage, incite or participate in a walkout, strike, or any other form of agitation which creates or likely to create law and order problem for the institution administration and affect or is likely to affect its smooth functioning
  • Disturb peace and tranquility of the institute.
  • Keep or carry weapons, narcotics, immoral or subversive literature.
  • Use insulting or abusive language or resort to violence against fellow student or employee of the institution.
  • Disciplinary action taken by the principal of the institution or the disciplinary committee in any form depending upon the severity of the offence.